Divorced Men Suffering From Diabetes More Prone To Limb Amputation: Studynewsbhunt


The study involved above 66000 participants.

The study involved above 66000 participants.

The study found that divorced men have a 67 per cent higher risk of amputation of an arm or leg than married men.

In today’s world, diabetes has become a common health issue, often linked to improper lifestyles and unhealthy dietary habits. However, recent research has shed light on a concerning trend: divorced men and individuals already battling diabetes are at the highest risk of limb amputation.

Limb amputation, a surgical procedure involving the complete removal of a limb due to a disease or condition affecting the hand or leg, can be a devastating consequence of certain health conditions. A study conducted by Swedish researchers has uncovered a startling association between divorce, diabetes, and limb amputation.

The study, which involved 66,569 participants who had undergone limb amputations, revealed a significant risk factor. It was observed that a majority of these individuals were already grappling with type 2 diabetes. Disturbingly, the research found that divorced men faced a 67 per cent higher risk of limb amputation compared to their married counterparts. Women, too, experienced a heightened risk, albeit at 57 per cent, when compared to married women.

In contrast, individuals dealing with obesity, even after undergoing a divorce, faced a comparatively lower risk of limb amputation, standing at 46 per cent. These findings underscore the complex interplay between divorce, diabetes, and limb health.

The researchers pointed out that divorce triggers significant changes in the lives of men. Suddenly living alone, divorced men often find themselves responsible for various household tasks they may not have handled previously. Self-care routines and dietary habits can change as well. This transition often leads to social isolation, particularly in men, which can have profound consequences for their overall health.

One critical factor contributing to the increased risk of limb amputation post-divorce is the decline in self-care and dietary habits. Divorced individuals, especially men, may experience a shift in their lifestyle, increasing the likelihood of accidents or falls. Such incidents can exacerbate their health conditions, necessitating limb amputation in some cases.

There is hope on the horizon. Researchers suggest that physical activity, weight management, and smoking cessation can help mitigate these risks. Increasing physical activity and maintaining a healthy weight can make a substantial difference in preventing lower limb fractures and related complications.


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