George Santos Faces Unpredictable House Expulsion Vote newsbhunt


Updated Dec. 1, 2023 9:49 am ET

WASHINGTON—The House is set to vote Friday on whether to expel embattled Rep. George Santos over allegations the New York Republican stole money from his own campaign and committed other misdeeds, in what would be only the third expulsion from the chamber since the Civil War. 

The result remained unpredictable. A two-thirds House supermajority is required to remove a member, meaning that 290 votes would be needed to oust Santos if all 435 House members vote. Most Democrats are expected to back expulsion, leaving Santos’s hopes in the hands of his GOP colleagues. While many Republicans support the move to remove Santos, some—including Speaker Mike Johnson (R., La.)— have expressed reservations about expelling him before his criminal case has been resolved. 

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