Ramaswamy: Ramaswamy calls his differences with Trump “very small”: Report newsbhunt


NEW DELHI: Vivek Ramaswamy, an Indian-American, has acknowledged that although there were some “very small” differences between him and former US President Donald Trump, they shared a strong alignment on policy matters, being “in agreement 90-plus percent of the way.” Both are currently competing for the Republican Party‘s presidential nomination in 2024. During a discussion on Friday regarding their policy differences, Ramaswamy, a wealthy biotech entrepreneur, emphasized that he and Trump are the two leading “America-first” candidates in the upcoming nomination race within the Republican Party.
Ramaswamy said, “I believe we have a chance to unite this country around our shared ideals. This will allow me to take the America First agenda even further than Donald Trump did by building on the solid foundation he laid.”
Ramaswamy stated, “I believe our policy positions are in deep alignment, around 90-plus percent of the way.”
“There are a few small differences. I would eliminate affirmative action. Instead of just constructing a wall, I would militarize the southern border. I’d go further by shutting down the US Department of Education entirely, rather than just appointing a capable individual like Betsy DeVos to lead reform efforts.” Ramaswamy told Fox News.
Trump, aged 77, has expressed great admiration for the 38-year-old Indian-American presidential candidate, Ramaswamy, describing him as a “bright and youthful individual.” He offered these compliments shortly after Ramaswamy gained significant media attention following his first appearance in the Republican presidential primary debate on August 23.
Trump, who is currently leading the nomination race, shared these comments on Tuesday when questioned about the possibility of having a “Vice President Ramaswamy.”
In the Friday interview, Ramaswamy stated that he is in favor of Trump’s policies.
Ramaswamy has expressed strong admiration for Trump during his campaign, making a commitment to issue a pardon to the former president if he were to face any potential convictions on his first day in the White House.
He stated, “I see an opportunity to unify our country around our shared principles. This will empower me to carry forward the ‘America First’ agenda even more extensively than Donald Trump did, by building upon the solid foundation he laid.”


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