Russian General: ‘General Armageddon’ seen in pic for 1st time since mutiny newsbhunt


A new photo appearing to show Russian General Sergei Surovikin, who has not been seen in public since a brief mutiny by the Wagner mercenary group in June, was pub lished on social media on Monday by a well known Russian media personality. “General Sergei Surovikin is out. Alive, healthy, at home, with his family, in Moscow.
Photo taken today,” Ksenia Sobchak wrote in a caption to the picture on Telegram. Reuters could not verify the authenticity of the photo, which showed a man in sunglasses and a cap walking alongside a woman resembling Surovikin’s wife, Anna.
A second report, published by prominent independent Russian journalist Alexei Venediktov on his Telegram channel, said: “General Surovikin is at home with his family. He is on leave and available to the defence ministry.”
Surovikin, who gained the nickname “General Armageddon” during Russia’s military intervention in Syria’s civil war, was in charge of Moscow’s war effort before that role was handed in January to General Valery Gerasimov.


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