Why Do We Have Plants On Road Dividers? Quora Decodesnewsbhunt


Last Updated: November 16, 2023, 12:29 IST

Along highways, the deliberate planting of lush green trees seeks to maintain a cheerful and tranquil environment for travellers.

Along highways, the deliberate planting of lush green trees seeks to maintain a cheerful and tranquil environment for travellers.

The main purpose behind the plantation of saplings in the middle of the road on dividers is the safety of travellers and drivers.

On national highways as well as urban streets, we see plants serving as a measure to combat pollution. However, the true purpose behind this practice extends beyond mere environmental concerns, as highlighted by user discussions on Quora.

Numerous explanations have been offered regarding the presence of plants on road dividers. One perspective suggests that roads, typically constructed with poured concrete or ballast stones covering a substantial portion of the land, intentionally leave empty spaces in the middle of wide roads. This design choice aims to absorb rainwater, reducing the risk of flooding. The resulting empty spaces are then adorned with bushes and plants, contributing to both practicality and aesthetics.

Another rationale for the presence of greenery on road dividers pertains to its soothing effect on the eyes and brain. The green colour is believed to provide a cooling sensation, offering relief to drivers and passengers alike. Along highways, the deliberate planting of lush green trees seeks to maintain a cheerful and tranquil environment for travellers.

However, the primary and crucial reason for planting saplings on road dividers is rooted in safety considerations for both drivers and passengers. As explained by user Ronak Chetnai, during nighttime travel, the lights of vehicles on one side of the road can adversely affect the vision of drivers on the opposite side, potentially leading to accidents. To mitigate this risk, plants are strategically placed as barriers, acting as a visual separation between lanes and reducing the impact of opposing headlights.

Another user emphasised the significance of these planted dividers during nighttime travel, highlighting the widespread use of high beams on highways. The plants act as effective barriers, preventing glare from oncoming vehicles and minimizing the risk of accidents. The brief seconds of compromised vision caused by headlight glare can be critical, making the presence of these dividers a crucial safety measure.


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